Here you can find the theme related files. It contains all the settings & logic for the theme. It is divided into 3 parts:
: contains the providers for the theme, font family and theme mode.helpers
: contains the helpers for the theme, font family and theme mode.extention
: contains the extention for the theme, font family and theme mode.
If you want to add new themees this is the place to do it. By default there are 2 themes: light
and dark
. You can add more themes by adding a new file in the helpers
folder. The file should be named after the theme and should contain the ThemeData
for the theme.
├── constants
│ └── app_fonts.dart
├── extention
│ └── color_extention.dart
├── helpers
│ ├── dark_mode
│ │ ├── dark_mode_helper.dart
│ │ └── dark_mode_helper.g.dart
│ └── light_mode
│ ├── light_mode_helper.dart
│ └── light_mode_helper.g.dart
└── providers
├── color_scheme_seed_provider.dart
├── color_scheme_seed_provider.g.dart
├── font_family_provider.dart
├── font_family_provider.g.dart
├── theme_mode_provider.dart
├── theme_mode_provider.g.dart
├── themes_provider.dart
└── themes_provider.g.dart
Here you will add themes for the app. By default there are 2 themes: light
and dark
. So there are 2 files in the helpers
folder. dark_mode
and light_mode
. Each file contains the ThemeData
for the theme. You can add more themes by adding a new file in the helpers
use riverpod
for state management. Here the ThemeData
is managed by riverpod state provider
part 'light_mode_helper.g.dart';
ThemeData lightTheme(LightThemeRef ref) {
final fontFamily =;
final colorSchemeSeed =;
ThemeData lightTheme() {
return ThemeData(
brightness: Brightness.light,
useMaterial3: true,
colorSchemeSeed: colorSchemeSeed,
fontFamily: fontFamily,
return lightTheme();
This file has a part
file. This file is generated by the flutter pub run build_runner build
command. This file is used to provide the localization service to the app.
Here I am adding a app_fonts
file. This file contains the fonts that are used in the app. You can add more fonts here.
class AppFonts {
static List<String?> list = [
Here you will find the providers for the theme, font family and theme mode. By default there are 3 providers: themes
, fontFamily
and themeMode
. You can add more providers by adding a new file in the providers
folder. The file should be named after the provider and should contain the provider.
This is responsible for the theme mode. It is a state provider
that returns the ThemeMode
for the app. It is a state provider
because it is used in the appThemeService
provider. It depending on the appSettingsProvider
provider. It returns the ThemeMode
based on the isSystemThemeMode
, isDarkMode
and isLightMode
part 'theme_mode_provider.g.dart';
ThemeMode? appThemeService(AppThemeServiceRef ref) {
final appSettings =;
final k = appSettings.whenData(
(value) => value.isSystemThemeMode
? ThemeMode.system
: value.isDarkMode
? ThemeMode.dark
: ThemeMode.light,
return k.value;
This is responsible for the font family. It is a state provider
that returns the String
for the font family. It is a state provider
because it is used in the appFontService
provider. It depending on the appSettingsProvider
provider. It returns the String
based on the isSystemFontFamily
, isDefaultFontFamily
and isCustomFontFamily
part 'font_family_provider.g.dart';
String? appFontService(AppFontServiceRef ref) {
final appSettings = => data.value?.fontFamily));
return appSettings;
This is responsible for the color scheme seed. It is a state provider
that returns the Color
for the app. It is a state provider
because it is used in the appColorSchemeSeed
provider. It depending on the appSettingsProvider
provider. It returns the ColorSchemeSeed
value as Hex Code. We are using the hexToColor
extension to convert the Hex Code to Color
part 'color_scheme_seed_provider.g.dart';
extension HexToColor on String {
Color hexToColor() {
return Color(int.parse(replaceFirst('#', '0xFF')));
Color? appColorSchemeSeed(AppColorSchemeSeedRef ref) {
final color = ref
.watch( => data.value?.colorSchemeSeed));
return color?.hexToColor();
others providers
Here you can add the providers that are related to the theme. By default there is only one provider for the isDarkMode
and themeIcon
. It is used to check if the theme is dark mode or not and to get the icon for the theme mode.
part 'themes_provider.g.dart';
bool isDarkMode(IsDarkModeRef ref) {
final themeMode =;
return themeMode == ThemeMode.dark;
IconData themeIcon(ThemeIconRef ref) {
final themeMode =;
switch (themeMode ?? ThemeMode.system) {
case ThemeMode.light:
return Icons.brightness_5;
case ThemeMode.dark:
return Icons.brightness_3;
case ThemeMode.system:
return Icons.brightness_auto;
Here you can add the extentions that are related to the theme. By default there is only one extention for the Color
class. It is used to convert the Color
to a hex string.
import 'dart:ui' show Color;
extension ColorToHex on Color {
String toHex() {
return '#${value.toRadixString(16).padLeft(8, '0').substring(2)}';