

Aurora start from the lib folder. The lib folder contains the following folders and files:

  • main.dart is the main file of the application. It contains the main function that is the entry point of the flutter application.

  • src folder contains the source code of application that related to build the UI and the business logic of the application.

  • services folder contains the source code of application that related to the services of the application in root Domain layer.

├── main.dart
├── src
├── services


The main.dart is the main file of the application. It contains the main function that is the entry point of the flutter application.


The services folder contains the source code of application that related to the services of the application in root Domain layer. It is the place where we can put the services that are used in the application at the root Domain layer.

Every service have its own folder. The folder name is the name of the service. The folder contains the files that related to the service.

├── service_name
├── contants
├── extention
├── models
├── helpers
├── providers

For more information about the services, please refer to Services


The src folder contains the source code of application that related to build the UI and the business logic of the application. It is the place where we can put the source code of the application.

It contains the following folders:

  • global folder contains the source code of application that related to the global level of the application.

  • pages folder contains the source code of application that related to the pages of the application. Mainly, it contains the source code of the application's UI.

  • services folder contains the source code of application that related to the services of the application.

├── global
├── pages
├── services

For more information about the services, please refer to src